The English Patient Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from The English Patient.

Quote #7

ALMÁSY: What do you love?
KATHARINE What do I love?
ALMÁSY: Say everything.
KATHARINE: Let's see… water. The fish in it. And hedgehogs. I love hedgehogs.
ALMÁSY: And what else?
KATHARINE: Marmite. I'm addicted. And baths. But not with other people. Islands. […]

Katharine's list of what she loves are all mostly things she can't get in the desert. Does one kind of love outweigh another? Can Katharine's love for her husband, or for Almásy, outweigh her sadness at missing all these other things she loves? We don't think so. In a love battle between hedgehog and Almásy, hedgehog wins.