The English Patient Memories and the Past Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from The English Patient.

Quote #4

CARAVAGGIO: What if I told you he did this to me? […] I'm one of his ghosts and he wouldn't even know it.

Caravaggio thinks Almásy either can't remember his past, or that he's lying. But the truth is that Almásy didn't know Caravaggio. Any flashbacks into the past with Caravaggio are his memories, not Almásy's.

Quote #5

CARAVAGGIO: I don't think he's forgotten anything. He wants to forget.

The more Caravaggio talks to Almásy, the more he realizes this is probably true. Almost off of Almásy's memories in Cairo are tragic.

Quote #6

HANA: Who is this? […] Is it you? So fat.

Hana finds a baby picture of Almásy in his book. It's cute! Maybe the man isn't entirely full of misery. This picture represents a nice memory for Almásy.