The Gilded Six-Bits Betrayal Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Oh Joe, honey, he said he wuz gointer give me dat gold money and he jes' kept on after me—." (81)

Yeah, we're not sure this reason makes it all good. Sure, Missie claims she slept with Slemmons to get money for both Joe and herself, but couldn't she have done it in a less hurtful way? Like, maybe by getting a job, or cutting back on sweet potatoes and ice cream? Just a thought.

Quote #8

Presently Joe said calmly, "Missie May, you cry too much. Don't look back lak Lot's wife and turn to salt." (95)

In the book of Genesis, Lot and his wife are told by angels not to look back at their hometown, Sodom, as they escape from danger. Lot's wife, of course, looks back and turns into a pillar of salt. This is a warning by Joe to Missie not to live in the past, to move on and stop crying so much. Good advice, but easier said than done. 

Quote #9

Missie knew why she didn't leave Joe. She couldn't. She loved him too much, but she could not understand why Joe didn't leave her. (97)

Despite cheating on Joe, Missie's still head over heels for the man. In fact, we're willing to bet she's even more in love now, having realized the awful mistake she's made.