The Gilded Six-Bits Marriage Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Paragraph)

Quote #4

For several minutes the two were a furious mass of male and female energy. Shouting, laughing, twisting, turning, tussling, tickling each other in the ribs; (11)

Now here's something you don't see adults do every day. Hurston does a nice job showing how the two adults have a fresh, young love that most of us lose as we get older. It's also a light contrast to how they'll act later on in the story, when things get more serious and dark.

Quote #5

Joe smiled indulgently and let his wife go through all of his pockets and take out the things that he had hidden for her to find. (19)

Both Joe and Missie love this game, and it shows in the joy they give each other. Of course, their love isn't based solely on little gifts but on the fun banter and horseplay they share. The ritual is what makes it pleasurable and it's a day they both look forward to every week. We'll admit, we're a little jealous at the love these two share. 

Quote #6

"Ah'm a real wife, not no dress and breath. Ah might not look lak one, but if you burn me, you won't git a thing but wife ashes." (23)

Zing! Missie says this to Joe in jest after he tells her to have dinner waiting for him after his bath. It's a saucy comment with a little bite to it, and when Missie cheats on Joe later on in the story it takes on a new, ironic meaning. It isn't Missie who gets burned—it's Joe.