How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
"He took in a very young, very vulnerable girl and left her alone when she needed support. Perhaps he knows that what happened is your shared responsibility. Perhaps that's what he ran away from." (22.26)
Maybe this is the ultimate betrayal in the book. The way Mac treated Megan led to her abandonment issues, which eventually led to her affair.
Quote #8
I thought about Scott—about what we did and how it felt—and I wished I hadn't done it, because it felt like a betrayal. Of Tom. The man who left me for another woman two years ago. I can't help how I feel. (25.4)
It's true that you can't help how you feel, but we think it's ridiculous for Rachel to ever feel like she's betraying Tom, a man who cheated on her and left her for another woman.
Quote #9
After a while, I learned that when you wake up like that, you don't ask what happened, you just say that you're sorry: you're sorry for what you did and who you are and you're never, ever going to behave like that again. (27.144)
Tom took advantage of Rachel, betraying her trust by lying to her about what really happened during her blackouts. That's super low.