How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
The weekend stretches out ahead of me, forty-eight empty hours to fill. I lift the can to my mouth again, but there's not a drop left. (1.10)
Instead of making plans to see a movie, or play shuffleboard, or basically do anything, Rachel decides to sit home and drink all weekend. Sure, that's something, but it's something that doesn't take her anywhere except backward.
Quote #2
Just as I'm in no great hurry to get into London in the morning, I'm in no hurry to get back to Ashbury in the evening, either. (1.23)
Would Rachel be in a hurry to get anywhere? She just goes back and forth, like dirty water circling the drain.
Quote #3
I have to do something, and at least this feels like action. […] There is literally nothing to do but wait. Wait for a man to come home and love you. Either that or look around for something to distract you. (2.34)
Megan spends a lot of her time the same way Rachel does, sitting around in her own imagination. Going to see a therapist is her first step out of that rut.