Isolation Quotes in The Girl on the Train

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I felt isolated in my misery. I became lonely, so I drank bit and then a bit more, and then I became lonely, because no one likes being around a drunk. (11.19)

Here Rachel realizes how damaging her drinking is and explains why it's so difficult for her to stop. It's one nasty cycle.

Quote #8

"She's a rubbernecker. […] Lonely, a bit desperate. She just wants to be involved in something." (18.7)

The way this is stated—from Detective Riley to Anna, no less—is harsh but ultimately true about Rachel. She is lonely and desperate to be involved with something.

Quote #9

"I just waited for him, for someone to come. He didn't come back. He never came back." (22.7)

We finally see the root of Megan's abandonment issues here. One of the first men she cared about—who she also had a baby with—left her and she never saw him again. Ouch.