How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
I gave a false laugh and said, "Interview. Interview." (3.15)
This lie is our first clue that Rachel is lying every day about going to work—she has just bumped into her ex-boss at a coffee shop. Sure enough, all these train rides are just her pretending to go to work.
Quote #5
"Jesus Christ, Rachel, what the hell is wrong with you? I have had enough of this, all right? I've just spent the best part of an hour driving around looking for you. You've really frightened Anna, you know that?" (3.70)
We don't know at this point in the book, but this is a big lie on Tom's part. Tom lies to confuse Rachel because he knows she won't remember what happened during her blackout. Also, this phone call would work as an alibi, because as we later discover, he's not driving around looking for her—he's burying Megan's body in the woods.
Quote #6
"I knew her… a little. From the gallery." (11.13)
The first part is true. Rachel does know Megan a little—a very little. She only knows her as much as a person can know someone else they pass every day but don't speak with. The second part is a total lie. She's never seen Megan's gallery before.