How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
Mom's salary created a whole new set of problems. (2.19.3)
It seems like having money would solve all the family's problems, but it doesn't—mostly because Dad takes all the money. The family would be a lot more stable if Dad didn't waste the money. So why does he keep doing it?
Quote #5
Mom decided Maureen needed to enroll in preschool, but she said she didn't want her youngest daughter dressed in the thrift-store clothes the rest of us wore. Mom told us we would have to go shoplifting. (2.25.5)
The family has to resort to desperate measures when they are poor. But this quote also shows Mom's inconsistent morals. She doesn't care if anyone thinks her older children are poor, but she doesn't want her baby girl to look like she grows up in poverty. What gives, Mom?
Quote #6
Dad devised an ingenious way to come up with extra cash. (2.25.10)
Here's an ingenious way to come up with cash, Dad: get a job. But Dad only wants to earn money through creative-slash-shady means. Maybe he thinks he can earn more that way, but eventually, you'd think he would realize that his plans have a habit of, like, not working out.