The Good Earth Theme of Change

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Things seem to change in The Good Earth, but is the change real? On the small scale, Wang Lung's life changes completely. He goes from starving poor to millionaire rich. But on the big scale, nothing really changes. Sure, there are revolutions and rebellions, but they only replace the old rulers and the old systems with new ones. So change is just an illusion.


Questions About Change

  1. Find all the moments when characters are compared to members of the House of Hwang. Are these compliments? Are the traits they share good or bad? Do the characters like these comparisons? Why or why not? 
  2. Which events does Buck choose to make the characters relive? Why do you think she chooses these specific moments? Does anyone escape from the cycle of life? If so, who? If not, why not? 
  3. Does the repetition in The Good Earth have anything to do with nature? If so, what?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

Characters in The Good Earth are doomed to repeat the past.

Change is possible in the novel, but no one wants it.