The Good Earth Theme of Town vs. Country

The city that never sleeps. The big city. The modern Gomorrah.

Yeah, we're not talking about New York, but the nicknames still fit. When Wang Lung goes to the South, it's like a country boy's first time in the Big Apple. Everything's different, and he just doesn't belong. The country is a slow-paced, relaxed area, with humble, moral people. The town is fast, rich, and full of the seven deadly sins. Even though he makes it out of the city alive, the city seems to follow Wang Lung back to the country. For better or for worse.

Questions About Town vs. Country

  1. Is Wang Lung's experience in the South particular to China, or could it happen anywhere? Why or why not? Could it happen at any time? 
  2. When Wang Lung goes to the South, he witnesses a rebellion. Could that have happened in his hometown? Why or why not? 
  3. List the differences between the South and the North. What is the most important part of the economy in the South? In the North? Which is the better place to be poor? Why?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

It's better to be poor with land in the North than to be poor in the South without land.

The Good Earth's South is kind of like Sodom in the Bible. It's where you can practice any vice you like.