How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from The Goonies.
Quote #4
SLOTH: Ma, you been bad.
There is perhaps no line in the film that better shows the contrast between good and evil than this one.
On one hand, we have one of our heroes coming right out and saying that one of our villains is "bad." And the source is legit, because it comes from someone with a big heart who loves his mother despite all the cruelty she's shown him. Even he recognizes that she shouldn't win Mother of the Year.
Mama Fratelli's villainy is accentuated because she's called out on it by the purest, most genuine character in the bunch. If Mikey or Brand called her "bad" it might be true…but it wouldn't mean as much. But coming from Sloth—well, that's gotta hurt.
Especially after he throws her overboard. Talk about adding injury to insult.
Quote #5
CHUNK: These are the bad guys! Those are the bad guys!
Can't make it much clearer than that. Chunk, worried that the cops are going to mistake Sloth for someone they should use for target practice, tells them in no uncertain terms that, despite his appearance, Sloth is one of the good guys. And those creeps over there—the ones dressed in black and looking generally nasty—are the ones that need to be in cuffs.