The Haunting of Hill House The Supernatural Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"What it was like before then, whether its personality was molded by the people who lived here, or the things they did, or whether it was evil from its start are all questions I cannot answer." (3.91)

Dr. Montague considers possible explanations for the supernatural forces of Hill House. None of them are easy to pin down. No vampires, zombies, or even Frankenstein monsters here to make things easy for us.

Quote #5

"The house. It watches every move you make." And then, "My own imagination, of course." (3.170)

See? Even the characters living in Hill House can't make up their minds about whether the supernatural occurrences are real or imaginary. What chance does the reader have?

Quote #6

"Could it be," [Luke] asked the doctor, "that what people have been assuming were supernatural manifestations were really only the result of a slight loss of balance in the people live here?" (4.97)

On the surface, Luke talks about the house's odd architecture and about how the whole place is slightly tilted in one direction instead of being perfectly square. But, perhaps, the "off-balanced" nature of the place has more to do with their psychological states.