How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
My mother is lonely even when we're around here, but sometimes my stomach hurts when I think about what will happen to her when I grow up and go away to start the rest of my life. Other times I imagine I'll never be able to leave at all. (2.35)
Alma imagines that her mother's grief will render her incapable of living alone. And she thinks that her father's early death will make her lose the chance at living her own life.
Quote #2
I didn't think it would be so painful. And yet. To hear people talk about the son I'd only been able to imagine as if he were as familiar to them as a relative was almost too much to bear. (4.97)
Leo can't truly grieve for Isaac, since he never really knew his son. Instead he grieves for himself, and for the relationship they never had.
Quote #3
I used to fantasize about disasters, floods, earthquakes, the world thrown into chaos so that I'd have a reason to go to him and sweep him up under my coat. When I'd given up my hope of extenuating circumstances I started to dream about our being thrown together by chance. (10.15)
Leo imagines himself as a strong father figure, bravely protecting his son. He hopes for devastating disasters that might finally allow him to do so. But he's incapable of mustering the courage to become a father on his own.