Find quotes from this novel, with commentary from Shmoop. Pick a theme below to begin.
Love Quotes
Twenty-five percent of my heart muscle died. (1.9)
Loneliness Quotes
The recovery room turned silent; everyone stared. Bruno groaned and turned toward the wall. That night I put him to bed. Bruno, I said. So sorry, he said. So selfish. I sighed and turned to go. Sta...
Identity Quotes
I try to make a point of being seen. Sometimes when I'm out, I'll buy a juice even though I'm not thirsty. If the store is crowded I'll even go so far as dropping my change all over the floor, the...
Death Quotes
When they write my obituary. Tomorrow. Or the next day. It will say, LEO GURSKY IS SURVIVED BY AN APARTMENT FULL OF S***. I'm surprised I haven't been buried alive. (1.1)
Grief Quotes
A couple of years after his wife died. It was too much to love in the apartment without her, everything reminded him, so when an apartment opened up in the floor above me he moved in. (1.10)
Literature-Writing Quotes
When I was a boy I liked to write. It was the only thing I wanted to with my life. (1.14)
Family Quotes
My mother is lonely even when we're around here, but sometimes my stomach hurts when I think about what will happen to her when I grow up and go away to start the rest of my life. Other times I ima...
Language and Communication Quotes
We often sit together at my kitchen table. The whole afternoon might go by without our saying a word. If we do talk, we never speak in Yiddish. The words of our childhood became strangers to us—w...
Religion Quotes
She named my brother Emanuel Chaim after the Jewish historian Emanuel Ringelblum, who buried milk cans filled with testimony in the Warsaw Ghetto, and the Jewish cellist Emanuel Feuermann, who was...
The Home Quotes
The place isn't big. I have to struggle to keep a path clear between bed and toilet, toilet and kitchen table, kitchen table and front door. (1.1)