How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from The Incredibles.
Quote #4
BOB: You want to do something for Dash? Then let him actually compete. Let him go out for sports!
Again, Bob is talking about himself here, not Dash. He's tired of life as a insurance adjuster—he wants to be the superhero he once was. And, like Dash, he can't understand why he's not allowed to do what he wants.
Quote #5
BOB: The company is sending me to, uh, a conference.
HELEN: A conference?
BOB: Out of town. And I'm just gonna be gone for a few days.
Oh, the fake conference—classic midlife crisis move. By lying straight to his wife's face, Bob crosses a point of no return when it comes to his secret superhero exploits. Get ready to live in the dog house, fella.