The Knife of Never Letting Go (Chaos Walking #1) Manipulation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter, Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Join us, young Todd," he says. "The church is always open."
I'll kill you," I say, the wind stealing my words but I know he can hear me cuz I can hear every last thing he's saying.
Here's yer chance, Todd Hewitt, to eat from the Tree of Knowledge."
His voice is deep in my head. "Kill me" (29.70-72)

What a sick joke. Aaron is trying to manipulate Todd into committing a crime, using the people's religion to reel him in. What is supposed to be inviting and uplifting is used here for something evil and awful.

Quote #8

"You were the last," Ben says. "If he could make every single boy in Prentisstown a man by his own meaning, then he's God, ain't he? He's created all of us and is in complete control." (36.139)

Mayor Prentiss is trying to take over the world, and to do this, he's playing God by creating his own definition of what makes someone a man—and it just so happens to involve forcing them to commit murder. Stay classy, Mayor.

Quote #9

"I wouldn't've done it," I say and he scowls at the interupshun. "I wouldn't've killed anyone."
"Ah, yes, Todd Hewitt," Aaron says. "And that's why yer so very special, ain't you? The boy who can't kill." (41.81-82)

Aaron manipulates Todd by trying to twist Todd's disinterest in killing into an inability to kill—you know, like either of those is a bad thing. Tricky move, Aaron.