The Lathe of Heaven Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter. Paragraph)

Quote #10

He would have preferred less of a mess himself, but it wasn't up to him. And at least it had her in it. He had sought her as best he could, had not found her, and had turned to his work for solace; it had not given much, but it was the work he was fit to do, and he was a patient man. But now his dry and silent grieving for his lost wife must end, for there she stood, the fierce, recalcitrant, and fragile stranger, forever to be won again. (11.54)

We guess that George loves Heather a lot. We mean, he's dreamed her back into existence at least two times. That's some pretty serious love. On another note, what is it about Heather that is real if she's been dreamed in and out of existence several times?