The Lathe of Heaven Philosophical Viewpoints (Utilitarianism) Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter. Paragraph)

Quote #10

"What do you mean by that: 'the worse it gets'? Look here, George." Man to man. Reason will prevail. If only we sit down and talk things over.... "In the few weeks that we've worked together, this is what we've done. Eliminated overpopulation; restored the quality of urban life and the ecological balance of the planet. Eliminated cancer as a major killer." [...] Under HURAD direction, the reduction of human misery, physical and psychic, and the constant increase of valid individual self-expression, is an ongoing thing, a constant progress. Progress, George! We've made more progress in six weeks than humanity made in six hundred thousand years!" (9.114)

You could also say that in the few weeks since George and Dr. Haber have been together, they've killed 6 billion people, exterminated songbirds, and made it so that cancer is 100% lethal in infants. But you know, it's how you look at it, we guess. What do you think is Dr. Haber's definition of progress? And do you agree with the final sentence in this quote?