

Character Role Analysis

Prince Fabrizio

Prince Fabrizio is our main man in this novel. It doesn't mean we have to like him, but we're definitely supposed to feel at least a little bit interested in his struggles. For a lot of the story, we're only really told about his thoughts and opinions. It's not until the later chapters that we look in on the inner lives of Tancredi and Father Pirrone.

And yes, the story does continue after Fabrizio has died, but the whole story really centers around how he copes with a life of idleness and boredom while realizing that this life will no longer exist for the people who come after him. In the end, it seems like the guy manages to find some sort of peace at the moment of death. It's the only consolation left to him, since there's no stopping the historical process that'll strip his family of its traditional privileges.