How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
But Leo worried a lot. He felt terrible about how easily Medea had set him against his best friend. And those feelings hadn't come from nowhere—his resentment of the way Jason always got the spotlight and didn't really need him. Leo did feel that way sometimes, even if he wasn't proud of it. (29.11)
The truth is, it wasn't all that easy for Medea to turn Leo against Jason. He's being a bit hard on himself. Resentments are going to be part of any friendship, and Leo and Jason work it out without too much trouble.
Quote #8
"You can't go," Leo pleaded. "You're the best thing I ever fixed." (30.28)
Festus is not only Leo's friend—he's also kind of Leo's child, a thing that Leo made. Leo loves him in part because he put himself into him.
Quote #9
She glared at them. "Why don't you yell at me or something? I was ordered to kill you!"
"Aw, come on," Jason said. "You've saved us both on this quest. I'd put my life in your hands any day."
"Same," Leo said. "Can I have a hug too?" (33.95-97)
Piper feels guilty because the giant told her to kill her friends, even though she didn't. Leo and Jason, though, understand that it's not her fault that she was threatened and told to do bad things. This seems pretty obvious, but it is something that people often get confused about.