How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
Piper had no idea how Leo had stocked up on supplies, but he'd even remembered to bring veggie rations for her. The cheese and avocado sandwich was awesome. (21.14)
The book doesn't do a ton with the relationship between Leo and Piper, but this is a nice moment. Friendship isn't just fighting monsters; it's also remembering dietary restrictions.
Quote #5
"I can't," Piper said. "You can't ask me—"
"To betray that foolish boy Valdez, who always irritated you and is now hiding secrets from you? To give up a boyfriend you never really had? Is that more important than your own father?"
"I'll find a way to defeat you," Piper said. "I'll save my father and my friends." (21.55-57)
Enceladus's argument isn't very good here. Piper doesn't find Leo annoying for the most part, and she's already in love with Jason, whether he's her boyfriend or not. Enceladus maybe just doesn't understand friendship very well, probably because giants aren't very friendly.
Quote #6
What if Jason found out that he was their enemy, or something? He might come out of his amnesia and decide he hated Piper. He might have a girlfriend wherever he came from.
It doesn't matter, she decided, which kind of surprised her.
Jason always looked so anguished when he tried to remember things. Piper hated seeing him that way. She wanted to help him because she cared about him, even if that meant losing him. (27.28-29)
Just like the choice Piper makes to erase her dad's memory (though she knows he won't be as reliant on her or as close to her afterward), Piper shows her self-sacrificing instinct here. In both cases, Piper is willing to risk her own happiness for those she loves. It's interesting, though, to think about how much it pains Piper to see the people she loves suffer. Does this diminish the degree of sacrifice she makes for them since it also alleviates pain for her?