The Luminaries Part 7, Chapter 5 Summary

Inherent Dignity (28 July 1865)

  • Staines was with Anna and said he had something "impertinent" to ask her. That made her nervous and sad for some reason.
  • Staines then asked about Wells, much to her surprise. He explained (without violating Crosbie's confidence) a bit about why he thought Anna and Carver might be acquainted. He wanted to hear the whole story of the robbery Crosbie claimed happened.
  • Anna asked if Crosbie was in Hokitika, and Staines said he couldn't say. While rubbing her tummy, Anna said that was fine, but she had a message for him …
  • The blurb that introduces the section indicates that she then told him the whole story of her acquaintance with Wells, Carver, and Lydia.