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The Maltese Falcon Women and Femininity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

She [Effie] glared at him between tightened lids. "Sam Spade," she said, "you're the most contemptible man God ever made when you want to be. Because she did something without confiding in you you'd sit here and do nothing when you know she's in danger, when you know she might be –"

Spade's face flushed. He said stubbornly: "She's pretty capable of taking care of herself and she knows where to come for help when she thinks she needs it, and when it suits her." (16.24)

Here, we see two different commentaries on two contrasting women. Effie is scornful towards Spade because he's not doing everything in his power to help Brigid. Even though Spade insists that Brigid isn't who Effie thinks she is, and that Brigid is perfectly capable of taking care of herself, Effie's strong sense of loyalty can't stand the fact that Spade is sitting idly by. Would Brigid have been as loyal to Effie if the tables were turned?

Quote #11

"I'm not ashamed to be naked in front of you, but—can't you see?—not like this. Can't you see that if you make me you'll –you'll be killing something?" (19.84)

Brigid is pleading here with Spade not to make her take off her clothes. She wants Spade to trust her that she didn't take the money that Gutman accused her of stealing. But Spade needs to know for sure, and forces her to undress. Even though Brigid complies with Spade's orders, we can tell that she feels betrayed that Spade is willing to humiliate her and take Gutman's word over hers.