The Man Who Was Almost a Man Choices Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Paragraph)

Quote #7

He would take old man Hawkins that two dollars. But that meant selling the gun. And he wanted to keep that gun. (207)

Looks like Dave has another choice to make. What would you do in this situation? Would you work for two years to pay off a huge debt? Or would you take your two-dollar gun and plow your own path?

Quote #8

Two dollahs a mont. Les see now...Tha means it'll take bout two years. Shucks! (211)

Two years? That's a bit much. Although Hawkins is justified in asking for payment, we can't help but think he wants too much. As it turns out, Dave agrees—with us, that is, not Hawkins.

Quote #9

Ah betcha Bill wouldn't do it! Ah betcha…The cars slid past, steel grinding upon steel. (212)

Although we're not quite sure who "Bill" is, we'd reckon that he's one of the fellows who works with Dave in the fields. This shows how immature Dave still is: He's still making his choices based on other people, instead of himself.