The Man Who Was Almost a Man Choices Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Paragraph)

Quote #4

He had a queer feeling that if he only did something, this would not be; Jenny would not be there bleeding to death. (138)

Well, you're right on that count, Dave. You could've never bought the gun in the first place. You could've brought it home to your parents, like they asked. You could've simply opened your eyes when you shot the pistol. That's a lot of somethings, buddy.

Quote #5

Jim Hawkins walked close to Dave and looked into his face.

"Well, looks like you have bought you a mule, Dave." (178-179)

You know what they say: Don't write checks your butt can't cash. Although this is a steep price for a dead mule—even an unfair one—Dave can't pretend that his choices didn't lead him here.

Quote #6

"Ah swear fo Gawd, Ah didn go t kill the mule, Mistah Hawkins!"

"But you killed her!" (180-181)

In one of his most child-like moments, Dave argues that he should be exempt from punishment because he didn't mean to kill Jenny. He forgets that taking responsibility for one's own actions is one of the most important parts of being an adult.