The Man Who Was Almost a Man Choices Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Paragraph)

Quote #1

One of these days he was going to get a gun and practice shooting, then they couldn't talk to him as though he were a little boy. (1)

Everything begins with this one choice. Recently, Dave has been feeling mistreated by everyone in his life and is desperate for a solution. Is buying a gun the best decision he could've made? Probably not. Regardless, he'll have no choice but to live with the consequences.

Quote #2

He had not come straight home with it as his mother had asked; instead he had stayed out in the field, holding the weapon in his hand, aiming it now and then at some imaginary foe. (114)

Once again, we see Dave make an immature choice. Instead of bringing the gun home to his mom and dad, Dave decides to stay out all night just to feel the power of the gun in his hand. That being said, it's quite interesting that he still can't work up the courage to actually shoot the thing. That's a telling decision in its own right.

Quote #3

He did not quite know what had happened. He stood up and stared at the gun as though it were a living thing. (130)

Dave can't believe that he just killed Jenny. In fact, he doesn't seem to want to take responsibility for his action, instead shifting the blame to the gun itself by calling it a "living thing." Because that makes sense.