For the lowdown on this highbrow poet.
Featuring a shot of Marianne in a truly awesome hat.
For a more academic take on M.M.
Marianne Moore mentored a lot of young poets, including Elizabeth Bishop. This nifty site outlines Moore and Bishop's letters back and forth, in which Moore advised Bishop on her poem "The Fish." It's a Shmoop favorite, so we highly recommend a gander.
A 1960 interview in The Paris Review. That's the big time, folks.
On this entire database of literary and scholarly criticism on Marianne Moore.
Listen to this lecture on Moore from a professor at Yale. And feel yourself getting smarter.
See what all Moore's fuss was about.
This dude is seriously ready for his close-up.
Hear the poet read her poem "Bird-Witted." Then imagine that same voice reading "The Mind Is an Enchanting Thing."
Moore tosses one at Yankee stadium.
Moore pictured with Mohammed Ali. Now there's a pair.
Moore was a fan of the tri-corner hat and cape-like coats. Why? Well, why not?