The Moon is a Harsh Mistress Technology and Modernization Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

What I had was a sore throat that missed pneumonia only through drugs, traveler's trots, skin disease on hands and spreading to feet—just like my other trips to that disease-ridden hole, Terra. We Loonies don't know how lucky we are, living in a place that has tightest of quarantines, almost no vermin and what we have controlled by vacuum anytime necessary. (16.48)

Mannie is totally not looking on the bright side here. The awesome technology that makes his Moon life so sterile and healthy is the same technology that gets him back to Earth and keeps him alive down there.

Quote #8

Prof waved it aside. "A technicality. Sir, there was a time when it was not simply expensive to ship goods across oceans but impossible. Then it was expensive, difficult, dangerous. Today you sell goods half around your planet almost as cheaply as next door; long-distance shipping is the least important factor in cost." (17.72)

Oh man, are we happy to live in the age that we do—a trip to England from New York takes about six hours instead of the six months it would take by boat. And what innovation does Prof believe we should thank for this? Technology, of course.

Quote #9

"Not at all, Man. I feel ashamed. The instruments at Richardson—telescopes and other things—are factors which I simply never included in my calculations. […]. Other possibilities—I don't know what to say, Man, save that it had never occurred to me that I could use telescopes. I see by radar, always have; I simply never consid—" (26.49)

We love this ending. The best solution was also the simplest one, and the super computer didn't think of it. But a telescope is still technically technology, so it's still tech for the win, even if it is not hi-tech tech.