The Moon is a Harsh Mistress Traditions and Customs Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Mum took her in arms, kissed cheek, said, "So glad you could come, Wyma dear! Our house is yours!" (8.48)

Although we don't like to read an author's beliefs into his works, this quote makes us think that Heinlein brought some of his "This I Believe" speech into the Luna traditions and customs. In short, be neighborly, neighbor.

Quote #5

I told conscience to go to sleep. Was pipsqueak compared to swindles by every government throughout history in financing every war—and is not revolution a war? (9.168)

So… two wrongs make a right? That's not the mathematics our mothers taught us. Mannie decides to put his principles aside when it comes to Mike laundering bundles of money.

Quote #6

"All our customs work that way. If you're out in field and a cobber needs air, you lend him a bottle and don't ask cash. But when you're both back in pressure again, if he won't pay up, nobody would criticize if you eliminated him without a judge. But he would pay; air is almost as sacred as women. […]." (128)

The Loonies must be descendants of the Lannisters because they always pay their debts. Of course, it helps that another tradition—killing those who don't pay up—has thinned out the Loonie swindlers.