The Moon is a Harsh Mistress Women and Femininity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Might have more, might have just one. Or might be complex marriage. But let's take one lady and two men as typical. She decides to divorce one." (18.122)

In Luna society, women have the power of divorce, and it is expected that the husband will accept the decision and make sure it goes through. In terms of marriage, a Luna woman's voice is heard.

Quote #8

Ask Wyoh's opinion? Nobody knew Wyoh's virtues better than I… but she oscillated between fierceness and too-human compassion—and I had learned already that a "head of state," even an acting one, must have neither. (28.64)

Wyoh is easily the strongest and most outspoken women character during the novel's initial chapters. But when it comes to politics and warfare, her opinions are no longer needed. What can she do? Read on.

Quote #9

"I'll work under him. Wyoh, hon, will you get my arms? Want number-six and number-three—better bring number-five, too. And you stick with me and change arms for me." (28.87)

She can give Mannie a hand. Yay. All right, puns aside, it really is too bad that the only major female character in the novel is essentially handing the big, strong man character tools, so he can fix the problems for everyone.