The Moonstone Gender Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Collins doesn't use traditional chapters in The Moonstone, so the citations are a little trickier than in other Victorian novels. Citations follow this format: (Period.Narrative.Chapter.Paragraph).

Quote #1

And what did Selina say? Lord! how little you must know of women, if you ask that. Of course she said, Yes. (

Betteredge has a habit of using his late wife as a stand-in for all women. Whenever he wants to make a generalization about women, he refers to something his wife said or did to prove his point. Here, he says that if you "know [anything] of women," you must know that Selina said "yes" when he proposed to her.

Quote #2

That Mr Franklin was in love, on his side, nobody who saw and heard him could doubt. The difficulty was to fathom Miss Rachel. Let me do myself the honour of making you acquainted with her; after which, I will leave you to fathom her yourself—if you can. (

Rachel is one of the many exceptions to Betteredge's generalizations about women. Rachel is a mystery – she has hidden depths to her personality that are difficult to "fathom" or understand.

Quote #3

If you happen to like dark women (who, I am informed, have gone out of fashion latterly in the gay world), and if you have no particular prejudice in favour of size, I answer for Miss Rachel as one of the prettiest girls your eyes ever looked on. (

Rachel is a petite brunette. She's pretty, but Betteredge acknowledges that common "fashion" is more in favor of tall, blonde women.