he Great Kate Weather Machine
- Kate and Constance are sleeping, but at dawn Kate awakens to a honking car horn.
- It takes her a minute to realize that what she's hearing is Morse code, but when she finally does, she decodes the message. The beeping is saying, over and over again: k and c to flag tower now" (35.8-9).
- Constance is tough to wake and Kate considers leaving her behind, but then she remembers what Mr. Benedict said about them all being essential. She gets Constance out of bed, puts shoes on her feet, and gives her a piggyback ride to the secret back entrance of the flag tower.
- Unfortunately this entrance is being guarded by Martina Crowe. Kate turns on her heel and runs out, but Martina and Jillson, who wind up cracking the Morse code message (which is still being beeped), pursue her and Constance, understanding now that they have two more spies to catch.
- Kate grabs a ladder from the Helpers' barracks and uses it to climb over the rock wall surrounding the flag tower, but Jackson, Jillson, and Martina pursue her.
- When she finally reaches the flag tower, Kate assesses the situation and makes a quick decision. She lassos the flagpole, ties Constance to one end of the rope, and hoists her up out of the way while she, Kate, takes on all three Executives down on the ground.