How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
Standing there in the lamplit room, reflecting upon Sticky's life as he slept, Reynie experienced a curious mixture of admiration, affection, and sympathy—curious because although he'd known the boy for only a day, it seemed as if they'd been friends for ages. And Kate, too, he reflected. He was already quite fond of her. (5.21)
Kate, Reynie, and Sticky seem to bond pretty quickly, which is nice. Constance, on the other hand, well… she's more of an acquired taste, but as Mr. B points out, still an essential part of the team. And that sometimes is the hardest part of teamwork: getting along with everyone and making sure everyone plays a valuable role.
Quote #2
"You are a team now. Whether you always agree is inconsequential, but you must take care of one another, must rely upon one another in all things. I don't exaggerate when I say that every one of you is essential to the success of the team, and indeed, to the fate of us all." (7.21)
It's a good thing that Mr. Benedict says this, and that he says it more than once. Know why? Constance. For much of the adventure, she seems like dead weight—dead weight that makes snide comments. But if they had just chucked her aside, they may have failed in the end. The lesson? Everyone has something to offer. Yes, even that two-year-old with the attitude.
Quote #3
Before long they were all chuckling. The danger was past, and somehow the excitement had helped them shed a little of their anxiety. Glancing at one another with satisfied smiles (as if to say, "We did it, didn't we? Together we did it!") they rose and dusted themselves off. (11.9)
This is right after the team bands together—quite literally—to keep Sticky from falling into the pit beneath the drapeweed. They're pretty happy with their success, and with good reason. It's the first time they've tackled a problem as a team and together they managed something that none of them could have done alone. Plus no one was seriously injured, and that's always a good feeling.