How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
Just reading the words quickened Reynie's heart. Was he brave? Bravery had never been required of him, so how could he tell? […] Finally he gave up trying to decide and simply wrote, "I hope so." (1.40)
Good answer, but we'd like to point out that Reynie, like most people, seems to overlook the simple acts of bravery that he performs each and every day. For one thing, Reynie he showed up for these strange tests without having any idea what would be required of him or what might be in store for him.
And for another, at the age of eleven, he manages both to navigate his way to a strange building without being given any directions whatsoever, and to not freak out when a woman who looks like a pencil dodges his questions about telephone usage. But even before this test day, Reynie has persevered and maintained a positive attitude in a an environment—the Stonetown Orphanage—where he is taunted, ridiculed, and made to feel insignificant on a daily basis. You know what we'd call that? Brave.
Quote #2
[Reynie] shook his head and tried not to care. If he wanted to prove himself brave, after all, he had better just stop worrying. (1.53)
We kind of disagree with this because it's not worrying about things that makes a person cowardly. You can worry all day about how you're going to play in tonight's basketball game, and it's no big deal—as long as you don't let your worry stop you from going to the game, getting on the court, and doing your best, who cares? In fact, it probably takes more courage to do something you're worried about than it does to do something that doesn't scare you at all.
Quote #3
Reynie hesitated a long time at the cafeteria door. Then telling himself he must at least pretend to be brave, he went inside. (22.63)
Ever heard the phrase "fake it till you make it"? That's what Reynie's doing here, and it works. By pretending to be brave, he winds up actually being brave—facing a situation he isn't keen on facing. It's the same idea as forcing yourself to smile when you don't really feel like smiling. If you do it for a minute or two, it actually improves your mood. Kind of freaky, right? And kind of cool.