Community Quotes in The Paladin Prophecy

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"The blank canvas design is intentional, by the way," [Brooke] said. "You're expected to make it your own." (13.30)

Will has the opportunity to customize his own bedroom, which is a great way to make him feel like he is a part of the community and not like a guest in someone else's home.

Quote #5

This is where I live now.

He'd faced this moment many times before. He was used to starting over.

But never alone. Never without my parents.

Being a part of the school is bittersweet for Will, because he has had to leave his family in order to do it. But it's better than leaving his family and just being alone, we guess. Looks like Will is going to have a little bit of growing up to do.

Quote #6

"It's not just our goal to educate students; we want to create student-citizens." (18.140)

From headmaster Rourke's little speech here, it appears the Center is trying to educate students to be a part of a greater community rather iron-fisted rulers of the world—but sometimes it's tough to tell exactly what they're getting at. What is the purpose of the Center? We're not going to find out in this installment.