How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
"Nature versus nurture," said Will. (29.24)
Will has a brief conversation about genetics, and this conversation plants a seed that later leads him to suspect that he himself has been genetically engineered. Ooo, things are starting to heat up in here.
Quote #8
Another photo appeared over the previous one. Lyle's transformation into the fearsome figure they knew appeared complete. (39.102)
Will is able to see how Lyle changed over time by looking at his yearbook photos. It seems that Lyle wasn't always a total jerk, and this fact may factor into the way Will and the others come to feel a bit of sympathy for ol' Lyle at the end.
Quote #9
"There were two Paladins, Ajay. It was Lyle at the boathouse. The one at the Barn had to be Todd." (44.67)
The identity of the other Paladin is a mystery left open at the end. Will suspects it to be Todd, who is missing, but there is also the possibility that the other Paladin is actually the statue brought to life.