How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
Her hair parted for a moment, and Will caught a glimpse of a gnarled knob of flesh on the side of her neck, just behind her left ear. A more vivid pink than her skin tone, it looked like recent scar tissue, or an inflamed insect bite. And it was twitching. (6.37)
Aside from putting the word twitching in italics, Will never seems fazed by the fact that his mother is possessed by a festering insect. We'd be a little freaked out, but hey, kudos if you're not.
Quote #5
"I heard this voice in my head. Like I went into some kind of trance." (7.200)
Maybe hearing voices is common for Nando. Just as Will takes the possession of his mother in stride, Nando isn't alarmed by the fact that he hears voices. For him, this is just another Monday.
Quote #6
When Will was little, younger than five, his parents discovered that he had an unusual and startling ability—he could "push pictures" at people from his mind straight into theirs. (8.11)
Will's psychic abilities seem to be a reverse of the mysterious voice he heard in Chapter One. Now he is acting as a mysterious voice, of sorts, in the heads of others. His vaguely defined psychic powers must be a two-way street.