How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #7
"Texting is a form of talking," said Will. "And usually it's a lot more efficient." (15.54)
Apparently the Center has forgotten that these kids can pretty much communicate telepathically, anyway. Now that's efficient.
Quote #8
Will had never owned a pet, but he had the oddest feeling about this new computer. It seemed—he didn't know how to express this—happy to follow his commands. Like it was a dog. (16.140)
Will loves it when both people and objects follow his commands. What do his tablet, Ajay, and Nando have in common? They all happily do whatever Will tells them to do. Nando even refers to himself as "a dog with a bone" (23.8). Them's the perks if you're the Most Amazing Kid in the Universe, as we're led to believe Will quite literally is.
Quote #9
"You're saying he's alive just because his syn-app is here?" (35.18)
We're unsure if Ronnie Murso is alive or not. Would his syn-app know if he was alive? The kids speculate that Ronnie is alive because his syn-app still exists, but this is still just speculation. We won't believe it until we see him.