Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from The Piazza Tales.
Compassion and Forgiveness Quotes
I was touched. I said something in condolence with him. I hinted that of course he did wisely in abstaining from writing for a while… (2.133)
Exile Quotes
It informed me that the writer had sent to the police, and had Bartleby removed to the Tombs as a vagrant. (2.216)
Isolation Quotes
In summer, too…sitting here, one is often reminded of the sea. …the vastness and the lonesomeness are so oceanic, and the silence and sameness too, that the first peep of a strange house, risin...
Lies and Deceit Quotes
…the living spectacle [a ship] contains, upon its sudden and complete disclosure, has, in contrast with the blank ocean which zones it, something of the effect of enchantment. The ship seems unre...
Literature and Writing Quotes
"With fairest flowers/Whilst summer last, and I live here, Fidele—" (1.1-2)
Passivity Quotes
I am a man who, from his youth upwards, has been filled with a profound conviction that the easiest way of life is the best. (1.2)
Race Quotes
…the cross-legged figures of six other blacks; each with a rusty hatchet in his hand, which, with a bit of brick and a rag, he was engaged like a scullion in scoring…" (3.17)
Versions of Reality Quotes
No more; I'll launch my yawl—ho, cheerly, heart! and push away for fairy-land—for rainbow's end, in fairy land. (1.29)