The Power and the Glory Fear Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph.)

Quote #7

He knew he was in the grip of the unforgivable sin: despair. (1.4.19)

In Catholic moral theology, despair is one of the worst of sins. Someone in despair has given up hope and ceased to seek God, making repentance and conversion more difficult than they otherwise would be. Someone in despair won't make the effort for redemption, just like someone who's lazy won't make the effort to get up off the couch.

Quote #8

He prayed silently, "O God, give me any kind of death—without contrition, in a state of sin—only save this child." (2.1.207)

The priest prays for his daughter, who doesn't appear to be on a path toward holiness. Given that the priest flees from her to save his own life, do you believe that his prayer here is sincere?

Quote #9

Hope is an instinct only the reasoning human mind can kill. An animal never knows despair. (2.4.5)

Someone hasn't seen Toy Story 3. Lots-O'-Huggin' Bear, anyone? To the narrator's point: despair is more than a feeling of resignation or frustration. It's a frame of mind. It has to be reasoned into.