The Power and the Glory Hate Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph.)

Quote #7

These were heretics—it never occurred to them that he was not a good man: they hadn't the prying insight of fellow Catholics. (3.1.130)

Does hate usually more personal when it's hatred of one's own? The Lehrs don't hold with the priest's religious ideas, but, unlike of the Catholics the priest encounters, they have no interest in measuring how good or bad a Catholic he is.

Quote #8

"My brother gets so angry," Miss Lehr said, "if he sees somebody go on his knees to a priest, but I don't see that it does any harm." (3.1.138)

Mr. Lehr and the lieutenant have this commonality: they both really dislike the priest's ideas and find them harmful. We might say Mr. Lehr is tolerant while the lieutenant is intolerant, but we suspect that the German protestant wouldn't mind seeing some aspects of Catholicism disappear. If he had the power of the lieutenant, what do you think he'd do?

Quote #9

"You hate the rich and love the poor. Isn't that right?"


"Well, if I hated you, I wouldn't want to bring up my child to be like you. It's not sense." (3.3.103-105)

Oh snap. In the lieutenant's favor, however, the priest's argument doesn't quite get at the desires of the policeman. He seems to hate the disparity between rich and poor and the suffering it causes most of all. We're not sure why he thinks getting rid of the Church will do away with this all, but there's no stopping him.