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The Red Pony Disappointment Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Jody looked reproachfully at Billy Buck and Billy felt guilty.

"You said it wouldn't rain," Jody accused him.

Billy looked away. "It's hard to tell, this time of year," he said, but his excuse was lame. (1.104-1.106)

To be fair, you can't blame Billy for the weather. But Jody can blame him for being wrong. And Billy knows he screwed up, too. In this dialogue, it's clear he's totally disappointed in himself—not just because he failed, but also because he let Jody down.

Quote #5

Jody looked at the pony's face. The eyes were half closed and the lids thick and dry. In the eye corners a crust of hard mucus stuck. Gabilan's ears hung loosely sideways and his head was low. Jody put out his hand, but the pony did not move close to it. (1.123)

Poor Jody's still clinging to the hope that Gabilan can hang on. But if he really thinks that pony will pull through, well then he's in for a Big Bummer.

Quote #6

Words burst out of Jody's mouth. "But the pony died—"

"Don't you go blaming that on him," Carl said sternly. "If Billy can't save a horse, it can't be saved." (3.150-3.151)

The truth comes out. Billy really did disappoint Jody way back when he didn't save Gabilan, and that means Jody doesn't have much faith in the ranch hand to keep his new colt safe. In this case, his disappointment has far-reaching consequences.