The Reivers Respect and Reputation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Ludus the safest man there. I seen Boon Hogganbeck"—he didn't say Mister and he knew Father heard him: something he would never have failed to do in the hearing of any white man he considered his equal, because John was a gentleman. But Father was competent for noblesse too: it was that the pistol which was unforgivable, and Father knew it, - "shoot before. Say the word, Mr Maury." (1.13)

So in the respect hierarchy, which ranks highest? The tacit understanding of the pistol, or understanding of racial customs? It seems that John's pistol threatens respect more than John's leaving out the "Mister" from Boon's title.

Quote #5

"Can't you see? And I aint even got any choice. Me, a white man, have got to stand here and let a damn mule-wrastling n***** either criticise my private tail, or state before five public witnesses that I aint got any sense." (1.30)

Boon doesn't like that Ludus insulted him by calling him a "narrow-asted son of a bitch". But what seems to be even more irksome to Boon is the lack of respect he feels from Ludus, a black man—and therefore, according to Boon, his subordinate.

Quote #6

Ned…was a McCaslin, born in the McCaslin back yard in 1860. He was our family skeleton; we inherited him in turn, with his legend (which had no firmer supporter than Ned himself) that his mother had been the natural daughter of old Lucius Quintus Carothers himself and a Negro slave; never did Ned let any of us forget that he, along with Cousin Isaac, was an actual grandson to old time-honored Lancaster where we moiling Edmondses and Priests, even though three of us—you, me, and my Grandfather—were named for him, were mere diminishing connections and hangers-on. (2.25)

Ever heard of a skeleton in the closet? Lucius has grown up with the notion that Ned is his family's "skeleton". In other words, he's the family's secret, perhaps not someone they go about praising on their high horses. His reputation? Well, he's the illicit child of a white relative and a slave. The kicker is that he would have more of a right to Boss Priest's inheritance than Lucius if it weren't for the color of his skin.