The Reivers Respect and Reputation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"When is Boon Hogganbeck coming for yawl?"

"Pretty soon now," I said. "And you better not left Father of Boss hear you calling him Boon Hogganbeck."

"I calls him Mister in plenty of time for him to earn it," Ned said. "Let alone deserve it." He said, "Hee hee hee." (3.33-35)

Ned enjoys defying convention, referring to his white superiors, like Boon, by first name. And he doesn't really seem to care now, does he? Hee hee hee.

Quote #8

"Your coachman's in the kitchen, sir," [the waiter] said. "He says it's important."

"My coachman?" Boon said. "I aint got no coachman."

"It's Ned," I said, already moving (9.65-67)

In Parsham, the hotel staff assumes that the black Ned is the coachman. But Ned is far from being so low on the totem pole of respect; we all know the important role Ned plays in the horserace that ensues.

Quote #9

"What's it for, Whitefolks?" Ned said.

"It's for jail, son," the other man said. "That's what we call it here. I don't know what you call it where you come from." (11.1-2)

Butch and the other cops spout some racist sentiments and therefore show no respect for Ned. Toto, we're not in Jefferson anymore.