The Returning Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

If Ban did not help in that unending gathering of food, all the family hungered. How was it, then, that he found himself slipping off to the water hole, to see if Cam waited there for him? (4.43)

Ban's more than happy to let go of his chores for a day or two to hang out with Cam, even if it means negative consequences for his family. It's important to recognize that many characters are in this same situation in the novel: a choice between family and personal happiness. In the end, which one is most important?

Quote #5

"We're lucky, for the war did not come this far south. This is mostly soldiers, displaced now the fighting is done, and families." Da took the flask from Grove and held it for Pin so she could have her share. "They do have them all following in carts." (6.44)

Way to look on the bright side. It's true that things could've ended up a lot worse, but the families who are in the south are still torn apart by war—either by losing someone, or no longer having as much food and resources to go around.

Quote #6

Pin wanted him home: wanted it like it was when he'd first returned from the war. She crouched there on the stony bank, rocking a little with the weight of her wish, and nothing at all happened. At length her eyes would not stay shut and her mind would not stay fixed. (6.87)

Pin's got a vivid imagination that helps her get through her chores, but it also makes her wish for a time that no longer exists. No matter how much she longs for her family like it used to be, it just doesn't exist anymore.