The Returning Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Pelister Garaman, who was Lord of Dorn-Lannet back then, came out from his castle and spoke fine words. "This is a fight for our families, our land, our way of life." (7.41)

Notice how he's not actually fighting, but just making an appearance. Still, family is a good motivator, and both sides know that their families are going to suffer if they lose the war.

Quote #8

It is the war. It has left you no time to consider your future, the future of this family. (10.101)

Gyaar's mom brings this to his attention when he hasn't found a wife or popped out a kid yet, and the nation is kinda waiting. Family is important and cherished, but it also signifies an obligation for some characters, like Gyaar and Graceful.

Quote #9

"I'd like to… to see home again. I thought I never would. I thought I would never go back." He lay down, arm over his eyes. "Anyway, Kayforl is beautiful in summer." (12.219)

Even Cam's surprised by this confession, and we know he's not just interested in seeing the season—he misses his family, and wishes he could be with them again. But when Cam returns, will things really be back to normal, or will they be how they were when he came back from the war?