How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
Glass had come to view the sea, which he once embraced as synonymous with freedom, as no more than the confining parameters of small ships. (1.7.57)
Glass first tries to scratch his exploration itch by becoming a sailor. And sure, that works for a while, but the experience quickly becomes claustrophobic. So if Glass can't find adventure on the sea, and Bridger can't find it on the Mississippi, then where can they find it?
Quote #5
The men knew little about Texas, but Glass found himself suddenly exhilarated, about to embark without compass into the interior of the continent. (1.7.68)
Only somebody like Glass would be enthused about being abandoned in the middle of a Texas desert, but we wouldn't have it any other way. After all, he's found exactly what he's been searching for his entire life: an uncharted place where he can make his own way, free of all constraints.
Quote #6
Kiowa understood early in his career that his trade dealt not only in goods, but also in information. (1.15.94)
Like Bridger and Glass, Kiowa Brazeau sees life on the frontier as a learning experience. That actually explains why he and Glass make such fast friends: they love adventure and exploration more than anything else.