How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
"He was the oldest. When we left Kentucky, our folks told him to look after me. Didn't say a word to me. Wouldn't have occurred to them." (1.2.7)
Although the Rocky Mountain Fur Company is full of tough, rough-and-tumble men, they're as afraid of death as the rest of us. What's more, this quote from William Anderson shows that things are even worse when the person who dies is someone who you love.
Quote #2
In the hierarchy of challenges the trappers faced each day, obtaining food [...] involved a complicated balancing of benefits and risks. (1.3.3)
Even hunting is risky here. After all, a gunshot can be heard for a pretty long distance, and you never know who's going to be around the next bend. Could be a group of Arikara warriors. Could be a bear. Might as well be the Grim Reaper itself, if you ask us.
Quote #3
Harris had no idea where to begin, and was almost relieved that the throat wounds appeared so obviously mortal. (1.3.29)
Glass is in such rough shape after the bear attack that death seems like it'd be the easier option. As we'll come to see, however, things are going to be a bit more complicated than that.