How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
"How long do you figure we can parade through this valley before we stumble on some hunting party? Glass ain't the only man in this brigade." (1.4.13)
Captain Henry's decision to lug Glass along in a stretcher is met with some resistance from the men. It's pretty understandable, too—why would they risk their lives for a man who's clearly already dying? We don't envy Henry here one bit.
Quote #5
The stalk looked like wild onion, but Glass knew better. It was Death Camas. Is it Providence? Has this been placed here for me? (1.9.36)
Death Camas, by the way, is a plant that looks edible but is in fact poisonous. Seriously, the name should have clued you in on that one. As we can see here, however, Glass's situation has become so desperate that he's about ready to throw in the towel.
Quote #6
[T]hey had killed him. [...] Murdered him, except he would not die. Would not die, he vowed, because he would live to kill his killers. (1.9.40)
Besides sounding like lyrics from the greatest death metal single never written, this quote makes Glass seem like a vengeful ghost, risen from the grave to finish up some earthly business. As we'll see, this metaphor gets used a few times throughout the novel.